Week 2

Here is Logan on the 4th of July at Grandma Ginny's house. Great Grandma and Grandpa got him some cool holiday onesies that actually fit! Most things are still too big on him because he is sooo tiny. Most of the Cusick fam got to meet him on Monday and everybody had a good time hanging out and playing on the water slide.
The 4 day weekend was another perk to Logan coming early. Dad got to spend some more time at home with him and help out at night. Aunt Tamie, Jessalyn and Alyssa came over on Monday. The girls loved being able to hold and feed him. They are great at taking care of their baby cousin. Sa and Dawn, Meghan and Brendan stopped by later in the week.
Logan is doing well. He is still eating well...unfortunately more at night than during the day, but we're working on it. He loves to go for walks and be outside. It's one of the few ways we can get him to wake up!
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