Week 3

We were able to give Logan a bath for the first time this week. He fussed a bit when we first put him in the tub, but quickly determined that he liked the warm water and cuddling up in his froggy towel afterwards. I must admit that he looks pretty darn cute!
We stayed at Grandma and Grandpa Helsom's house last weekend. My mom and sis helped out with him at nights since he still thinks he should be awake around 3 am. Cousins Jessalyn and Alyssa enjoyed babysitting on Sunday and Alex and I went to the movies to see Pirates of the Carribean. It was hard to leave him, but I'm glad we took a little bit of time for ourselves. More friends came to visit this week including Stacie, Dawn, Yvette, Adam and Chad. I know, I know..I need to get better at making sure the camera is close at hand.
Logan also got to go see Daddy play volleyball the past two Saturdays and meet some of our volleyball friends. Alex did pretty well winning the tournament on the 8th and taking 2nd on the 15th. It was Alex's 30th birthday on the 14th so we took a cake up to the tourney to make sure to embarass him. We're pretty proud of him-he just hit the big 3-0 and he's still winning tournaments!
Logan had his 3 week checkup this morning. He received another clean bill of health for which we are very happy. He has gained almost 2 lbs. and is 1.25 inches longer! So, that puts him at 7 lbs. 14 ounces and 20.25 inches long. If he keeps this up, we won't be able to call him peanut much longer!
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