Week 20 & 21 11/4-11/7

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Here is Logan sitting in his new Bumbo chair. He really likes it since he can't quite sit up on his own yet. The chair helps him to be able to keep track of everything going on around. The weekend of the 4th was pretty relaxing. Jess came down on Saturday and hung out for the day. We had some fun playing with Logan and did a little cooking. On Sunday, my parents met us at Kensington to check out our new church and then we went to lunch at the Olive Garden afterwards. Then, we went over to Nate & Raechel's new house in Rochester. His sister Mandy is staying there now too so it was nice to see all three of them. They were still trying to get settled so we didn't stay too long. It's really close to church so hopefully we'll get to stop in more Sundays in the future.
The next weekend, we went up to Tony & Tiff's for Dani's 30th birthday party. We dropped Logan off at my parents house on Saturday; it was nice for them to get some QT in because they left for Florida the following Wednesday. Our parent's group met both the past two Wednesdays. The topics were Infant Massage and Feeding so both sessions were very benficial. The SAH mom's also met over at our house last Friday. We got a few good pics of the babies interacting.
Alex had to go back to Battle Creek and Kentucky for work most of the past two weeks. It was really bad this past week because I ended up with the flu. It's not a lot of fun to try and take care of a 5 month old when you're sick with the flu. But, we both survived..another mommyhood feat accomplished! My sister and the girls came up on Thursday for the day to hang out. It was good to see them and they were all surprised at how much Logan had grown and changed since they had seen him last.
Logan surprised us and slept through the night 3 times the week before last. We were hoping that he was starting a new trend, but then he had quite a few rough nights this past week. We're hoping he just wasn't feeling well this past week and will start moving towards sleeping through the night again. He is starting to take better naps during the day, so our hard work at making him stay in bed seems to be paying off a bit. But, he is still only taking 45 minutes or so. If we can get him up to 2 hours for his naps, I will be ecstatic! But, one thing that we have figured out about our son is that just when you think you have things figured out...they change! We also started him on rice cereal this past week. He loves it! He will actually grab your hand and pull the spoon towards his mouth. He gets most of it in his mouth, but he still ends up pretty messy afterwards!
As a Mom of twins I love reading other people's parenting blogs!
I just found out the Bumbo now has a tray called the Bumbo Play Tray... you might want to check it out. I bought mine here:
Anonymous, at 11:31 PM
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