Week 6 & 7 July 31st-August 13th

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Week 6 can officially be deemed "Baby Week". Logan got to meet 3 other babies, Dominick (Yvette's cousin), Jacob (Matt and Michele's baby), and Scott..AKA Puddle (Krystal's son). It was fun to see to kid's reactions to eachother. We were able to get some cute pictures of Puddle trying to give Logan lovins and the picture of Logan and Jake sharing a crib is just too cute. It will be great when they are all old enough to really play with eachother. We also got to see some friends at Marinelli's on Monday night since Sue was back in town for a visit.
Logan got to go to Grandma & Grandpa Ferrell's house on Thursday and on Saturday. They just bought a new trailer that was a definite fixer-upper. So, we went up to help out so that they could go camping the following week. Grandpa is very proud of Logan because he seems to like the sounds of the saws and nailguns! Future carpenter?? I swear that kid can sleep through anything!
Logan officially outgrewhis first outfit. We thought it was pretty ironic...the sleeper that he outgrew has a dinosaur on the front with the saying "I'm the biggest" on it. Too funny!
Then, we left on Sunday to go camping for a week in Howell. Grandma and Grandpa Helsom were there with their motorhome and Grandma and Grandpa Ferrell were there too with their trailer. We were also joined by Tamie, Jessalyn & Alyssa...Tamie's friends Joelle, Ted, Cameron and Connor, and Connor and Kyleigh-two of Ginny's daycare kids. Linda & Roger Locher came out on Friday for the afternoon too. It was a great week. The weather was perfect and Logan really liked the outdoor life. He is like Grandpa Helsom-just put him in a chair looking at the lake and he is perfectly content! The kids all loved playing in the "cool bed" in our motorhome (the front bunk) and they had tons of fun at the beach and playgorund.
I got a little break on Saturday and went to play in a mini queen of the beach tournament in Fenton. I didn't do too bad...but, not too good either. I definitely have a ways to go to get back in shape!
Logan seems to be growing like a weed. He is definitely smiling and reacts to those around him more every day. It's awesome because he will turn his head when he hears Alex or I come into a room. Hopefully we'll be able to get a smile picture for next week!
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