Week 26 & 27 12/18-12/29 Christmas!

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Vacation was great, but it was nice to come home to a housefull of Christmas decorations. Logan got to go to Grandma Ginny's daycare on Monday and Wednesday. Santa Claus made an appearance on Wednesday to hand out gifts. Logan didn't seem to mind sitting on Santa's lap and even gave his beard a few tugs. The present, of course, immediately got the taste test and seal of approval. We spent the rest of the week running around doing last minute shopping. Logan is still fighting his cold and ended up giving it to me, so both of us spent the weekend with stuffy noses and the coughs. It's a bummer that he didn't feel well for his first Christmas.
On Friday night, we went over to Nate and Raechel's for the Ferrell Family Christmas get-together. Everybody got lots of great stuff. On Saturday, we went to Clawson Steak House with the Cusick side of the family. Alex's grandparents take everybody out to dinner every year and then we all go back to their place in Berkley to hang out and play cards. Ginny and Roger spent the night at our house so they were here for Christmas Eve and Christmas day. My parents came down on Christmas Eve to spend the night. Mandy, Grandma and Grandpa also came over for Christmas Eve dinner.
I got up on Christmas morning with Logan and we made a big breakfast for everybody. I'm sure we won't be able to put off present opening until after breakfast next year! Logan got the hang of ripping the wrapping paper pretty quickly. He had a bit of a meltdown and had to take a quick nap in the middle of opening presents...I think he was too overloaded with all the great toys he got! Both sets of grandparents hung out for the rest of the day and we watched a few movies.
Overall, it has been a great Christmas. We're celebrating with my side of the family next weekend over New Years. Logan has gradually been getting better at eating solids over the past few weeks. He has tried applesauce, green beans and peas so far. It is funny because sometimes you can't feed him fast enough and he has no interest at other times. He has started sitting up better and can even stand with a little bit of assistance. He continues to do well on his stomach and you can tell he is working on crawling. He has also started to give lots of kisses and hugs. His kisses are hilarious because he will grab the side of your face(or hair..or ears) pull you in and give you a wide-mouth open, sloppy, wet kiss. We got some good pics of him getting some of the fam.
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