Week 29-31 1/6-1/26

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Wow! I can't believe it's been three weeks since my last post. Our schedules haven't been quite as busy since the holidays are over. But, I guess that's a really good thing since Logan came down with his first true sickness. He had an ear infection, an upper respiratory infection and the flu. The poor little guy was miserable. But, the good news is that he got a kick out of throwing up all over Mommy which he did multiple times. He only got Daddy once, but it was a good one since he vomitted all over our bed at the same time. The antibiotics they gave him for his ear infection also caused him to have major diarrhea. So, it was a little bit of a battle to try to keep him hydrated, get him to eat, and keep him in clean outfits since it was coming out both ends so much. He seemed to feel a bit better after about a week and a half, but his tummy was still bugging him quite a bit. The doctor thinks that the flu might have triggered some acid reflux issues. He would wake up from a dead sleep screaming and you could tell eating was pretty painful. They put him on Zantac for a trial period. Hopefully it will get his system back in order and it won't have to be a long term medication. He's only been on it for a few days so we'll see if it helps...especially at night. Between being sick and the reflux issues, all the work towards sleeping better at night got thrown out the window. I'm lucky if he can sleep more than 2 hours at a time at this point. So, hopefully the Zantac will help and we can try to get back into a better routine.
We've gotten back into a "social" routine for Logan this week. We started a play-away class at the local boys and girls club on Monday afternoons. There are two other babies there from our parent's group and about 5 other babies. There are topics each week and then the babies get to play together. We also had a parent's group meeting on Wednesday; the topic was common illnesses and the doctor that came to speak was great. He answered a lot of our questions and explained the causes/effects of different childhood issues. We also set up a schedule with some of the stay-at-home/part-time moms. We're going to meet every week, alternating Thursdays and Fridays for a few hours in the afternoons.
It's great to have these scheduled playdates to get us both out of the house and get Logan exposure to other kids. It's amazing to watch them together now. They still don't "play" with each other, but there is definitely a level of interaction. You can almost see their little minds working. We were able to go see Angie and baby Ella yesterday. She was born on January 13th. Mom and baby are both doing great. I can't believe Logan used to be that little! It seems like ages ago.
I've been able to work a little over the past few weeks. Logan has gone to the office with me most days since he was sick, but he did get to visit the daycare one day this past week and he got to stay with Grandma Ginny a few Saturdays ago while Alex and I went to a Pistons game with Sa and Chad. Alex got in some quality Daddy time this past Sunday while I played in a volleyball tournament. It was a much-needed break and stress reliever for me. It's very trying on your nerves when your baby is sick. Alex is in Kentucky this week for work and will hopefully get to come home next Tuesday.
We were set back a bit in the new foods department over the past few weeks. He didn't want anything to do with solids while he was sick. It was hard enough to get him to nurse with all his tummy issues. But, he is now back eating solids. He loves to gum on real foods too, especially bananas. He is also sitting up all on his own! It makes playtime much easier now. He really likes to stand up too, but he still needs support for that. His "baby babble" vocabulary is also expanding. He talks away like he's having a whole conversation with you...now if I could just figure out what he is saying we'd be all set!
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