Week 1

He had his first doctor's appointment and received a clean bill of health. They were a little worried about jaundice, but his bilirubin levels were down after leaving the hospital. So, he should be in the clear. The doctor was happy with his food intake and output and we don't have to go back for three weeks.
Alex had to go back to work on Wednesday, so both Grandma's have been taking turns staying to help out. Logan went on his first walk last night and lovely Michigan weather decided to start raining. So, Alex had to hussle back to the house with him. But, the good news is that the stroller is waterproof, so Logan didn't get wet.
Overall, we are enjoying getting to know our son. He is very animated with great facial expressions and hand movement. He has already learned how to roll onto his side and he picks his head up quite a bit. So, either his reflexes are pretty advanced or he's gotten a bit of Daddy's muscles. Take a look at more week 1 pictures through the picture link in the toolbar.