The Ferrell Family

Friday, April 13, 2007

Week 42 4/6-4/13

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Alex only had a half day of work on Good Friday so we went to church on Friday afternoon. We watched the service from the Family Room which was nice to be with Logan, but we did miss the atmosphere in the auditorium. Then, Grandma and Grandpa Helsom came down on Friday night to watch Logan while Alex and I went to Palazzo di Bocce with Sa and Chad. It was our first time playing bocce ball and we had a lot of fun. We had dinner there too and the food was great.

On Saturday, we all went down to Tamie and Arnold's for Easter weekend and to celebrate Jessalyn's 6th birthday. Her party was on Saturday afternoon. She got a lot of great stuff including lots of outdoor sports equipment. Gotta start 'em early. The kids enjoyed hunting eggs and searching for the baskets the Easter Bunny left on Sunday morning. Logan didn't quite get the concept, but he had fun playing with all the presents.

On Sunday afternoon, we went to Great Grandma and Grandpa's house for Easter dinner with Alex's parents, Mandy, Marcia and Karly. It was good to see everybody and Logan enjoyed Easter dinner as much as everybody else did. He is really into people food at this point and loves to try bites of everything. He prefers that over baby food, but he still won't feed himself small pieces. He'll eat it if you feed it to him, but he only wants to play with it if it's on his tray. I'm sure he'll get it one of these days.

The good news is that the Prevacid seems to be helping his reflux issues. He's still up 2-3 times throughout the night, but he doesn't seem to be in as much pain as before. We also started him on yogurt (which he loves) to help his digestive system. Hopefully, things will get even better over the next week of the trial.

Logan spent the week perfecting his crawl and using the walker. He loves walking all over the house. He doesn't know what to do when he runs into something and just keeps ramming it with the walker until you turn him around. He's also learned how to get his toys out of his toy bins by himself. He loves to pull himself up and then pull everything out and throw it on the floor. It's very cute, but it will be better when he learns how to put it back in!


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