The Ferrell Family

Friday, March 23, 2007

Week 38-39 3/10-3/22

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One thing is for sure. I am glad that I started this blog. I just read the previous post so I knew everything to include in this one and it is amazing how many new things Logan has learned just in two weeks! As you can see from the photo, he now waves. It has to be one of the most precious, heartwarming things to walk into a room and have your son smile and wave at you. I know I say that with a lot of the new things he learns and I'm sure I'll continue to be impressed and overjoyed with all the new things he does. Each new thing is so special.

He still says Da-da on a semi-normal basis and has also started to say Duh when the dogs are close to him. I've heard something that sounds a lot like Ma-ma when he's crying, but I refuse to accept it as a real Ma-ma until I get it in a happy context:) His baby babble is really starting to sound a lot more like true conversation. He also reacts well when you call his name and he understands the word "no" at this point too.

We had to upgrade to the next size car seat since Logan was getting too long for the bucket seat. It's a lot easier to carry him out and strap him in. He was getting way too heavy to lug around in the seat all the time. He likes shopping a lot better since he can sit up in the cart like a big boy. He loves to people watch.

He is getting better at crawling. Now, he'll get up on all fours and then lunge forward. But, he doesn't really want to work on the crawling as much as standing and pulling himself into a stand. His favorite pastime is having Alex or I lay on the floor so he can practice pulling himself up. He can stand for long periods of time by himself too to play with toys and is working hard to perfect his bending over to retrieve dropped toys. Sometimes I think he's dropping them on purpose so he can try to pick them up. I guess it's better than Mommy-pick-up! He also has learned how to furniture walk. He can walk along the couch and will also transfer back and forth to the ottomon or one of us. He's tried to go "no hands" a few times, but promptly falls on his butt.

We've picked up at work a little bit, so Logan has spent a few more days up at Grandma Ginny's daycare. It is a good thing too because he has started to refuse the bottle. We're not quite sure how it happened, but somehow Logan went about a month without having to take a bottle. So, we're slowly trying to get him back in the habit so hopefully I can wean him one of these days.

The weekend before last, Alex and I both played in the Doble. It's a big volleyball tournament one of our friends throws every year with a huge party afterwards. I just played in the tournament and then headed back to get Logan from Grandma's. He still isn't taking a bottle well enough to leave him for too long. Alex ended up staying out there for the night and had a good time at the party.

Last weekend we spent some time with Alex's family. Alex's Uncle Jimmy, cousin Anthony, Anthony's girlfriend Becca, and their daughter Kaylee were up to visit from West Virginia. Kaylee is 10 months old so it was cool to see some of the developmental differences. We went up there for a bar-b-que on Saturday and enjoyed some green beers in honor of St. Patrick's Day. Then, we met them for lunch at The Rain Forest Cafe in Great Lakes Crossing on Sunday.

Last week, Alex wasn't feeling too great and I ended up getting it this week. Logan had some really rough nights this past week and after a doctor's visit on Thursday, we found out he has a double ear infection. He's also getting hit with a double wammy with his top two teeth about to come through. They also increased his Zantac dosage since he now weighs almost 20 pounds. We're hoping the increased Zantac dosage will help since he is still up at least twice a night with the reflux issues. Hopefully, everyone will be healthy by the next posting!


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