Long time, no post

I'm not even going to try to make any excuses for my lack of posts over the past 6 months. I will say that I learned the hard way that if you get behind...it is very hard to catch up. So, I am going to start fresh and hopefully do a better job going forward. Thanks to Matt for the not-so-subtle kick in the butt in his blog:)
Things are going well in the Ferrell household! Logan is 15 months old now and rules the coop. He was 22 pounds and 32 inches long at his 15 month check-up. He has been walking since May and is now running all over the place. He is very hard to keep track of, but I am thankful that he is starting to know the limits and the meaning of "no". Sure he still loves to see how much toliet paper he can pull off of the roll or how quickly he can empty out the pan cupboard, but that's all in good fun. He stills ends most days with some type of bump or bruise..I like to call him the kamikaze kid. I've almost had quite a few heartattacks over the past few months (like last night when he thought he's try to climb up on the arm of the couch and fling himself over). Luckily, Alex grabbed him in time and distracted him with the pillow. He loves to run across the room holding the pillow and then flinging himself on it.
He is getting better at problem solving and loves to figure things out - like how to stack the blocks or find the ball under the cup. He loves animals and is getting pretty good at making the sounds. So far he can mimic a cow, a monkey, an elephant, a gorilla(including beating his chest:), a lion, a wolf and a snake. He is also expanding his real vocabulary too, but his favorite words are Mamma, Dada and dog. He loves chasing me around the house saying "Mamma, mamma, mamma, mamma...." Is is terribly cute, but also tends to try the nerves a bit. He loves giving kisses and hugs. I would still say that his favorite toys are balls and he loves to read books. He also loves being outside. I think we would be out 24-7 if he had anything to say about it. I don't know what we'll do come winter.
Alex's job is going well. He has been traveling quite a bit more than expected, but they are currently trying to hire another programmer. So hopefully, that will cut back on Alex's travel. The appraisal business is starting to pick up, so I have been working more too. We are both playing volleyball one night a week and trying to spend as much time as we can as a family. We both love being parents and are very fortunate to have Logan.
I didn't put a link in for the picures, but if you follow the photo album link on the toolbar it will take you to dotphoto. All the pictures from the last 6 months are there, so check them out if you have a few hours to kill!
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