The Ferrell Family

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Weeks 35-36 2/19-2/28 Florida!

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Well, we did it. Tamie and I successfully managed to take a 5 year-old, a 3 year-old and an 8 month old on an airplane to and from Florida. We left on the 21st and came back on the 27th. It actually wasn't too bad. Much thanks to Stacey for taking us to the airport and picking us up. Not having to worry about parking made things a lot easier. All three kids were great on both flights. We got in later on Wednesday night. My parents came to pick us up in the old motorhome and we stopped at a rest area for dinner and showers before heading back to the park. Have I said how much I love motorhomes and how convenient they make everything?

We spent Thursday at my Mom and Dad's park. The weather was pretty good and we were able to take all the kids swimming and they enjoyed being outdoors. On Friday morning, we headed for Orlando. We stayed at a KOA outside Disney World. It was nice to get there Friday afternoon and have some more time to spend in the pool and playground. My mom got Logan his own little life jacket and he enjoyed swimming around and floating on his back. It's amazing to me how much he seems to like the water. We're definitely going to have to get him in swim classes soon.

Then, we went to Disney World on Saturday and Sunday. I don't care how old you are...the Magic Kingdom is a wonderful, magical place. All three kids were GREAT both days. Logan loved watching the people and seeing all the sights. I ended up carrying him in the Baby Bjorn most of the two days. He seemed to enjoy being up at eye level with everything. He would just shriek with joy and laugh as we walked along. My shoulders were pretty sore after Sunday, but it was worth it.

We actually were able to hit quite a few rides too. I wasn't sure how Logan would react, but he LOVED them. We did the It's a Small World ride, Peter Pan's Flight, the Pirates of the Carribean ride, the Magic Carpet ride, the Jungle Safari Tour, the Swiss Family Robinson Tree House, the Winnie the Pooh ride...I'm sure there's some that I'm missing. the only time he got a little scared was in the Pirates of the Carribean was pitch black and you went down a little waterfall, but he was happy again when the lights came back on.

But, the thing I think he liked the best was the shows and parades. He freaked out a bit on Sunday when he met the Genie from Aladdin. It was funny because the Genie "got his nose" and pinched his cheaks and then Logan decided he was scary and started screaming. But, I can't blame him too much. A big blue guy would be kinda scary to me too if I were that small. They had the Disney Spectromagic parade on Saturday night. It was really cool with all kinds of lights and music. All the characters were dressed up in lighted suits. Logan was in awe. It was funny because he fell asleep hard about 2 minutes after the parade was over. So, I think he had a great time even though he won't remember any of it.

Overall, it was a great week..the perfect amount of excitement, fun and relaxation. But, it was hard to go on vacation without Alex especially with the new experiences at Disney World. So, he'll be sure to join us next time...when Logan is a bit older and can understand everything going on.

Daddy did get a surprise the night before we left though. Alex was in on the computer and I was standing behind him with Logan. I took Logan in to change his diaper and Logan was twisting his neck around, looking back towards the office saying "Da-da-da-da" He proceeded to keep calling to him when I put him down on the changing table. We thought it might just be a fluke, but when Alex came in. Logan smiled and yelled Da-da. Alex left and came back in a few times with the same results. It was really cool! He hasn't said it a lot since then though. Hopefully it wasn't just a fluke!


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