Week 12 9-9 - 9-15

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Last weekend we went camping at Groveland Oaks up near Holly with Alex's mom, dad, and sister. The weather wasn't the best and we were stuck inside most of the day on Saturday. We went to Stephanie McKeachie and Mike Hotz's bridal shower on Saturday night while Logan hung out with Grandma and Grandpa at the campground. The shower was set up as a euchre tournament; unfortunately, neither of us did that well. It was nice to see Ryan (Stephanie's brother/Alex's good friend from high school.) He was in town from California for the shower.
Then, we went to the Renaissance Festival on Sunday. Logan was all bundled up in his Michigan gear and enjoyed snuggling with Daddy for the day in his Baby Bjorn. We made sure to get some turkey legs and kettle corn to take back to the campground. We stayed at the campground Sunday night and went to my parent's house on Monday. We winterized the motorhome and then we went to Lucky's in Davison for dinner. My mom watched Logan while I went to work on Tuesday. I took him to the office with me on Wednesday morning; Logan did pretty well his first day of work!
Logan's "vocabulary" has definitely expanded over the past few weeks. He is cooing more with a lot of oohs and aahhs. He has found his hands and likes to suck on them. He has also started to focus on objects in front of him quite a bit better. It's getting more fun to interact with him. He responds to tickling with big smiles and loves it when Daddy plays 'get your nose'. He's even started reaching out to grab toys. He doesn't do it consistently, but it is great to see his face when he does get a hold of something. Now if we can just get him to stop hitting himself in the face with the toys, we'll be all set.