The Ferrell Family

Friday, September 15, 2006

Week 12 9-9 - 9-15

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Last weekend we went camping at Groveland Oaks up near Holly with Alex's mom, dad, and sister. The weather wasn't the best and we were stuck inside most of the day on Saturday. We went to Stephanie McKeachie and Mike Hotz's bridal shower on Saturday night while Logan hung out with Grandma and Grandpa at the campground. The shower was set up as a euchre tournament; unfortunately, neither of us did that well. It was nice to see Ryan (Stephanie's brother/Alex's good friend from high school.) He was in town from California for the shower.

Then, we went to the Renaissance Festival on Sunday. Logan was all bundled up in his Michigan gear and enjoyed snuggling with Daddy for the day in his Baby Bjorn. We made sure to get some turkey legs and kettle corn to take back to the campground. We stayed at the campground Sunday night and went to my parent's house on Monday. We winterized the motorhome and then we went to Lucky's in Davison for dinner. My mom watched Logan while I went to work on Tuesday. I took him to the office with me on Wednesday morning; Logan did pretty well his first day of work!

Logan's "vocabulary" has definitely expanded over the past few weeks. He is cooing more with a lot of oohs and aahhs. He has found his hands and likes to suck on them. He has also started to focus on objects in front of him quite a bit better. It's getting more fun to interact with him. He responds to tickling with big smiles and loves it when Daddy plays 'get your nose'. He's even started reaching out to grab toys. He doesn't do it consistently, but it is great to see his face when he does get a hold of something. Now if we can just get him to stop hitting himself in the face with the toys, we'll be all set.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Week 11 9-2 - 9-8

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Labor Day weekend was pretty busy for us. Nate, Rae, and Antaras came over for dinner and a fire in the chiminea on Friday night. Saturday, we went to visit Aryn, Sue, Ashton and Abby. We picked up some more clothes for Logan and dropped off some clothes for Abby. Then, we went over to a park in Roseville where a bunch of friends were cooking out and playing games like volleyball(of course!) and cornhole. Jason and I only lost one game of cornhole(good thing he had played a lot before:) The weather was pretty rainy, so we ended up coming back to the house with Nine to watch the Michigan game on TiVo.

On Sunday, we went to Toledo for Alyssa's third birthday party. It was a lot of fun with great company and good eats. Arnold's mom always sends up brisket from Texas for the girl's parties. It practically melts in your mouth it is so tender! We stayed the night and I left early the next morning to go play in a women's tourney in Ann Arbor. My mom and dad dropped Logan and Alex off on their way back to Grand Blanc.

Logan is actually starting to grow out of 0-3 month clothes. It's funny because he still doesn't fill them out width-wise since he is so skinny, but he is getting to long for them. He has really started getting into the kick gym more this week. It's great to watch his eyes and face light up when he kicks and makes all the gears start spinning. He's even able to kick the hanging animals. He's precious because his gets this concentrated look on his face, pulls both knees back and kicks out. He's hits both of them most of the time.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Week 10 8-26 - 9-1

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Logan went to his first volleyball tournament(all day) last weekend. Alex and I played in a reverse co-ed 4s tournament in Ferndale. Two of our other friends brought their kids along and we all shared a babysitter. It worked out perfect..thanks to Sue for a great idea! It was nice to be able to play all day, but still see Logan. I guess it's never too early to expose him to volleyball! He'll definitely be around it a lot growing up. That night some friends came over and we played cards and even had a full-contact game of spoons going for a while. It's good to know that we still practice the "you're never too old" motto. Hopefully, that won't ever change!

We went up to Grandma & Grandpa Helsom's on Monday and Tuesday since Daddy had to work late all week. Cousins Jessalyn and Alyssa were happy to see and play with their baby cousin. It's been great being able to get together with my sister and mom so much since he was born.

Logan had his two-month well baby checkup today(a little late). I must admit that I teared up when they gave him his shots. The look on his face was horrible....a mix of shock, pain and betrayal. Then, he proceeded to scream. He is still pretty fussy so he's been getting some extra lovins today. But besides the shots, he received a clean bill of health. He officially weighs 11 lbs. 4 ounces and is 23 1/2 inches long. He is only in the 25th percentile for weight but in the 50th percentile for height. The nurse practitioner was very happy with how he is progressing and was impressed by how strong his neck muscles are already. So, developmentally speaking, things are going great. Our little peanut is growing up:)