The Ferrell Family

Monday, July 31, 2006

Week 5, 7-24-7-30

The most exciting thing that happened this past week has to be the completion of the nursery. For those who don't know about the saga...we originally ordered our nursery furniture through DirectBuy, our buying service, on March 3rd. The items had an estimated ship date of April 15th. So, you would think that would be plenty of time, right? We started to get a little worried around the end of April when we were having problems getting an update and were finally told the dressers had to be ordered again because the finish didn't match. But the crib, the bedrails and the hutch could be shipped. It was frustrating that the three things that were shipped were all items we could do without right away. We had the cradle for Logan to sleep in already and the hutch was no good without the combo unit dresser to put it on. We really needed the dressers to be able to organize and put clothes away. Well, every time we called, we got the "two weeks" response. For those of you who remember the movie "Money Pit" was kind of like that:) We finally got the call that the combo-unit dresser was in the day Logan was born. So, my dad and Mandy went to pick it up. They brought it back to the house only to unwrap it and discover about 15 large gouges and scratches on the top and side. So, we called to complain and they had the audacity to tell us that we must have damaged it on the way home because it was fine when it left their warehouse. Long story short (I know-too late for that, right?) after much complaining and a million emails, they finally agreed to order a new top and have it fixed at their expense. The other dresser came in on the 20th and the fixed combo-unit was available for pickup on the 27th. S, it took almost 5 months and a lot of headaches to get everything in. My sister helped me FINALLY get everything organized on Friday morning. It's so nice to have it finally put together!

In other news-Alex had to go to Illinois for 3 days at the beginning of the week. It was tough for him to be away from Logan, but thankfully the trip wasn't longer. My sister, the girls and my mom came down on Thursday and we went to Cranbrook museum. Logan was a perfect baby and slept through the whole trip, including the planetarium show. Grandma and Grandpa babysat on Saturday night while Alex and I went to a wedding. It was nice to be in the "grown-up" world for a while, but it was hard to be away from him. Alex also played in Volleygrass (a big tw0-day grass volleyball tournament) this past weekend. They ended up getting rained out during the finals in the loser's bracket, so they took second based on their record. The week rounded off with Kim and Darryn coming over for a visit on Sunday afternoon.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Week 4, 7-16 - 7-23

Logan is officially 1 month old! We can't believe how quickly it has flown by. He is growing like crazy and seems to change every day. He's finally fitting into most of the 0-3 month clothes..even though most shorts are big on his tiny backside! Going for walks is still one of Logan's favorite things to do. It's a great way to get out of the house and it feels good for me to get a little exercise. I'm anxious to get back into a good workout routine.

We got in some more family time this week. The Cusick fam got together on Thursday since Aunt Nancy and Uncle Kieth are in town from Colorado and Grandma Ginny spent the night on Thursday night. Then, we went to Grandma and Grandpa Helsom's for the weekend to celebrate Alex and Doug's birthdays. It was a great time for me to catch up on some sleep. Much thanks to both Grandmas and Aunt Tamie for helping out during the night shifts.

Then, we were able to get together with Great Grandma and Grandpa Swords on Sunday night since they were in town from Florida. Take a look at the Ferrell Photo Album link for LOTS more pics from this week.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Week 3

We were able to give Logan a bath for the first time this week. He fussed a bit when we first put him in the tub, but quickly determined that he liked the warm water and cuddling up in his froggy towel afterwards. I must admit that he looks pretty darn cute!

We stayed at Grandma and Grandpa Helsom's house last weekend. My mom and sis helped out with him at nights since he still thinks he should be awake around 3 am. Cousins Jessalyn and Alyssa enjoyed babysitting on Sunday and Alex and I went to the movies to see Pirates of the Carribean. It was hard to leave him, but I'm glad we took a little bit of time for ourselves. More friends came to visit this week including Stacie, Dawn, Yvette, Adam and Chad. I know, I know..I need to get better at making sure the camera is close at hand.

Logan also got to go see Daddy play volleyball the past two Saturdays and meet some of our volleyball friends. Alex did pretty well winning the tournament on the 8th and taking 2nd on the 15th. It was Alex's 30th birthday on the 14th so we took a cake up to the tourney to make sure to embarass him. We're pretty proud of him-he just hit the big 3-0 and he's still winning tournaments!

Logan had his 3 week checkup this morning. He received another clean bill of health for which we are very happy. He has gained almost 2 lbs. and is 1.25 inches longer! So, that puts him at 7 lbs. 14 ounces and 20.25 inches long. If he keeps this up, we won't be able to call him peanut much longer!

Friday, July 07, 2006

Week 2

Here is Logan on the 4th of July at Grandma Ginny's house. Great Grandma and Grandpa got him some cool holiday onesies that actually fit! Most things are still too big on him because he is sooo tiny. Most of the Cusick fam got to meet him on Monday and everybody had a good time hanging out and playing on the water slide.

The 4 day weekend was another perk to Logan coming early. Dad got to spend some more time at home with him and help out at night. Aunt Tamie, Jessalyn and Alyssa came over on Monday. The girls loved being able to hold and feed him. They are great at taking care of their baby cousin. Sa and Dawn, Meghan and Brendan stopped by later in the week.

Logan is doing well. He is still eating well...unfortunately more at night than during the day, but we're working on it. He loves to go for walks and be outside. It's one of the few ways we can get him to wake up!

Take a look at more week 2 pics through the toolbar. Dotphoto is a free service-so if it asks you to create a login, go ahead and set one up!